The liver is constantly working to break down the environmental toxins that you are exposed to in your daily life while trying to simultaneously maintain optimal metabolic function. As the liver becomes “clogged” with a buildup of by-products, it is unable to perform to the best benefit of the body.
These “buildups” lead to many of the health problems such as fatigue, arthritis and joint pain, as well as other chronic diseases. The theory is that cleansing the liver with specific foods and beverages will clean these buildups from the liver, thus making us feel better.
This is why it is not only important to reduce the intake of toxic substances, but also maximize nutrient consumption required to optimize the liver’s detoxification pathways for a liver detox to work properly.
Cleansing your liver is one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall health as it means inducing the liver to purge fats, old cholesterol deposits, gallstones, poisons, drug residues, and other toxic waste. While you do this, you also clean out other vital organs including your blood and intestines.
Although the efficiency of everyone’s liver varies greatly, it often depends on your ability to detoxify, the toxic properties of the substance and the health of your detox organs that determines the degree to which you will be affected by a specific substance (i.e. alcohol, coffee, etc.)
Here are just a few of the signs that your liver has become sluggish and when detoxification would be highly beneficial:
- Low energy and fatigue
- Weight gain
- Hormone tests have shown significant imbalances
- Intolerance to alcohol or fatty foods
- Digestive complications such as constipation or inconsistent bowel movements
- High cholesterol
- Headaches
- Skin conditions
- Nausea
- Feeling bloated
- Food intolerances
- Aches or pains
- Some critical illnesses
If you are a drinker, a recreational drug user, a long-time prescription drug user, or suffer from chronic illness, or eat a toxic diet, a full liver cleanse would be especially helpful to beginning any program to improve your health. Your liver needs to be nourished in order to function properly and for you to enjoy decent health. So, if you have ever been exposed to any of the following (which pretty much means anyone!) you are a candidate for liver detoxification…. And note that the greater your consumption or exposure to any of these substances, the more benefit you will achieve!
- Cigarette smoke
- Pollution
- Alcohol
- Coffee
- Prescription or over-the-counter drugs (including birth control pills, aspirin or tylenol)
- “Grocery-store bought anything” (i.e. Hormone-fed meat, fish, dairy, vegetables, processed or junk food, carbonated beverages, etc.)
- Pesticides
- Make-up, perfume or skin creams
- Stress
- The air you breathe
What Are The Benefits of a Liver Detox?
Cleansing your liver is one of the most important things you can do to improve your overall health as it means inducing the liver to purge fats, old cholesterol deposits, gallstones, poisons, drug residues, and other toxic waste. While you do this, you also clean out other vital organs including your blood and intestines.
There are many benefits to restoring your liver to optimal functional through regular detoxification. Following are just a few:
Weight loss and reduced cellulite – Improving liver function can help with weight loss as your body will start to release liquids and fat that has attached to excess toxins. See next section on “Weight Loss”.
Hormonal health – Hormonal issues like PMS, “estrogen belly”, mood swings, fatigue, etc. can occur because the liver is not able to efficiently break down hormones OR produce sufficient hormones which can lead to a hormonal imbalance in the steroidal hormonal pathway system. Estrogen is especially important to monitor and should be immediately reduced (or “detoxed”) if found in excess. This is because it is considered a “pro-growth” hormone and in excess, can cause unhealthy or toxic cells to grow (i.e. cancer). See next section on “Estrogen Belly”.
Better cardiovascular function – The structural position of the liver as a bridge between the returning blood from the digestive system and the lower part of the body to the heart makes the liver an important organ for the health of the heart. It is especially important to keep the liver clean if cardiovascular health is a risk factor because a weakened and swollen liver can obstruct the venous blood flow to the heart causing heart palpitations or even heart attack.
Improved Libido – Even a mildly sluggish liver can seriously affect your energy level as well as your libido. Remember that the liver is responsible for hormone levels in your body so if the liver is impaired in any way, your hormone levels are affected, as is the liver’s ability to process incoming hormones from any type of therapy.
Avoiding premature aging and Alzheimer’s Disease – In Chinese medicine, the liver and kidneys are also the organs that age us. Without a clean, efficient liver and kidneys, blood is not filtered which results in “dirty” or heavy blood that is loaded with toxins or waste products which can cause poor circulation and reduced oxygen capacity which leads to premature aging. The Mayo Clinic has also reported that malfunction of the liver and kidneys are one of the leading causes of Alzheimer’s disease.
Improved immune function and metabolism – Detoxing the liver strengthens your body’s fight against harmful (i.e. cancer) cells and helps to generate healthy cells, resulting in less illness and disease. Because the liver is also responsible for metabolizing alcohol and breaking down foods with a high fat content, they can cause the liver to become sluggish and reduce your metabolism. Cleansing the liver flushes out toxins so that your immune system improves and you feel more energized.
Improved digestion, cleaner blood and clearer skin – detoxifying your liver helps to cleanse mucous, congestion, fermentation and inflammation in your digestive tract resulting in improved intestinal health, cleaner blood as well as clearer skin.
Improved lifestyle – any form of detoxification can help to reform you lifestyle addictions for substances such as sugar, salt, high glycemic carbohydrates, alcohol, junk foods, nicotine, etc.
Fewer aches and pains – by reducing the liver’s toxic buildups, health problems such as fatigue, arthritis and joint pain, as well as other chronic diseases are minimized. The theory is that cleansing the liver with specific foods and beverages will clean these buildups from the liver, thus making you feel better.
Better yet, if you look after your liver, the list of diseases you won’t get is even more impressive! Some of these include:
- Cirrhosis
- Cancer
- Heavy metal poisoning
- Gall stones
- Diabetes
- Obesity
If you are a drinker, a recreational drug user, a long-time prescription drug user, or suffer from chronic illness, or eat a toxic diet, a full liver cleanse would be especially helpful to beginning any program to improve your health. Your liver needs to be nourished in order to function properly and for you to enjoy decent health.
Cleansing your liver also cleans out other vital organs including your blood and intestines, so it actually has multiple benefits for your overall health.
And best of all ….. MUCH, MUCH MORE ENERGY!!
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To schedule your next treatment contact us directly at (480) 949-6570