The foods you choose to eat as well as the ones you avoid can trigger ailments.
Headaches can just as well be caused from a lack of caffeine when you choose that decaf coffee or when you have too many caffeinated cups. The optimal amount is 125 to 500 milligrams per day or 1-5 cups depending on your tolerance to caffeine says a study in the Journal of Headache and Pain.
Constipation can be a food sensitivity. Certain foods may cause irritation or inflammation to the intestinal tract as well as an unhealthy balance in bacteria. Dairy, wheat and soy are the 3 most common trigger foods. The best solution: record your reactions to foods you eat in a journal. After you have identified the food causing your unpleasant symptoms, then limit the amounts or remove them from your diet altogether says, Keri Marshall, M.S., N.D. from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
Depression can be linked to not taking in enough carbs. Carbohydrates stimulate the production of serotonin, which regulates your moods. Not eating enough carbs can make you vulnerable to depression. Your goal: take in 5 servings a day of complex carbohydrates, such as brown rice, beans and whole-grain pasta or cereal.
Source: Natural Health Magazine Sept/Oct 2010
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