Routine colonic sessions along with oral colon cleansers are a great way to help normalize bowel function again and restore energy to the body. Detox for life has a variety of products and suggestions to assist you in maintaining colon health:
Routine colonic sessions along with oral colon cleansers are a great way to help normalize bowel function again and restore energy to the body. This formula will help to normalize bowel function and give your body the pick-me-up it needs. Our Colon Flush also helps support intestinal system as colon clears waste from the body.
Turkey Rhubarb formula: to cleanse and strengthen the digestive tract. This is a slightly more gentle formula than Colon Flush that supports healthy bowel function and improves colon function.
Fiber: naturally improve your colon by eating foods full of fiber including whole grains, beans, bananas, and vegetables.
Drink More Water: another great way to naturally improve the colon is to stay hydrated and at least 8 cups of water each day.
A healthy colon means a healthy body. Keep yours functioning by following a healthy lifestyle, and regular colon cleansing.
For more information or to schedule a session you can contact us directly at (480) 949-6570.