Hydrogen Inhalation to Boost Antioxidant Power
Did you know that the natural element of hydrogen can be inhaled or ingested and can give your body a boost along with antioxidant power. By ingesting molecular hydrogen, you can help your cells combat oxidative stress.
Stress vs Oxidative Stress
We experience stress in our everyday life but the stress we receive from oxidation, is on a molecular level. This is due to a buildup of compounds called free radicals. These free radicals wreak havoc in the body by stripping electrons away from other molecules, including those that comprise your DNA, your body’s fundamental proteins, or any of the other molecules that make up a healthy body.
We obtain many important antioxidant compounds from the healthy foods we eat, primarily fruits and vegetables. But sometimes the balance is off. Adding elemental hydrogen may give your body the edge it needs to restore balance and achieve optimal immune system function. In essence, elemental hydrogen fights potential cell-killing toxins.
For more information, visit our website at www.detoxforlife.com or call us directly at 480.949.6570 to schedule your session and be sure to check our blog frequently for up to date information, recipes and products.
“You are not what you eat, but what you absorb.”
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