The historical timeline of ozone’s discovery and utilization showcases its evolution and significance in various fields:
– 1785: Ozone was first discovered by Martinus van Marum, a Dutch chemist.
– 1840: A German chemist synthesized ozone for the first time.
– 1857: The first ozone generator machine was invented.
– 1870: Initial studies were published on ozone’s biological effects, highlighting its remarkable disinfection properties in water, which sparked a medical revolution.
– 1893: The first industrial installation for water disinfection and purification using ozone was performed in the Netherlands, followed by similar installations in other European cities.
– 1900: Nikola Tesla founded the “Tesla Ozone Co.” in the U.S., manufacturing ozone generators for medical applications.
– 1913: The “American Association of Eastern Oxygen-Ozone Therapy” was established by several university professors and a hospital chief in the United States. During World War I, ozone was utilized for treating infected wounds of soldiers by a chief surgeon of the German army medical services.
– 1957: The first modern ozone generator was manufactured.
– 1961: “Autohemotherapy,” a method of administering ozone via intravenous injection, was introduced.
– 1987: Barcelona, Spain, saw the implementation of the first hospital unit dedicated to ozone therapy.
– 1990: The Ministry of Health of Canada began using ozone for sterilizing blood and blood by-products, particularly in response to the AIDS epidemic.
– 2010: Dr. Frank Shallenberger played a key role in founding the American Association of Ozone Therapy.
– 2018: Detox for Life introduced “COLOZONEā¢” ozone colon hydrotherapy in Scottsdale, AZ.
– 2022: Detox for Life New Mexico was established.